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Curious by nature

Mindful adventures in remote corners of the globe

Mindful adventures in remote corners of the globe

Have you ever wanted to forget about your stresses and daily routines, just to escape to another place, into a different world? You are not alone, so do we.

Through the medium of the great outdoors our adventures are uniquely designed to provide you with the space to be curious, to think freely and to explore. Enabling you to connect with the wonder of the natural world and re-connect with your own sense of freedom and well-being.

It matters that you care

It matters that you feel

It matters that you notice

                                                                                                                                 From ‘Hokusai Says’ by Roger Keyes



Join us on the adventure of a life time designed to energise and harmonise the internal and external creating space, calm and curiosity.

Discover the thrill of paddling in some of the remotest and most beautiful costal seascapes in New Zealand. 

Sense the natural elements; see, hear, taste, smell and touch nature.

Get up close to the wild; see animals, fish, birds, plants and for a while share the excitement and beauty of their natural environment.

"The best way to capture a moment is to pay attention" Jon Kabat-Zinn

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We can build a bespoke adventure just for you. Get in touch with your ideas and questions

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